8th-Chapter 12 test tomorrow. Election topic # 4 TAXES due Monday. Chapter 13 outlines due Thursday.
7th-Review for chapter 1 test tomorrow. Election topic #4 due Monday.
6th-Review terms on GH 14 for quiz next week. Election topic #4 TAXES due Monday.
8th-Chapter 3 faith words/person/Big Q & A due tomorrow. The rest of chapter 3 due Friday. Please remember that the Big Q & A and the 9-10 essay should each be a minimum of 5 good sentences. Your own handmade Rosary Beads are due next Monday, 10/5.
7th-Review for chapter 3 test on Friday. Chapter 4 faith words/person/Big Q & A are due Tuesday. The rest of the chapter is due Thursday. Please remember that the Big Q & A and the 9-10 essay should be a minimum of 5 good sentences.
8th-Raymond Run story comprehension will be next week. We will continue to read together aloud in class. You should read the story independently as well for better comprehension.
St. Therese Walk -a-Thon is tomorrow.
PIZZA DAY is Friday-$3 for two slices. Exact cash please.
Friday we will have Mass at 11:00. Regular uniforms for everyday, but PE days, will start on Friday.
ROSARY BEADS should be in class every day in October as we honor Mary during the month of October.