8th-Outline 12-2 wit essential question is due Friday. Election topic is due Monday. Quiz for 12-1 & 12-2 sometime next week-date to be determined. Online quiz for chapter 12 is due next Friday, 9/18/20.
7th-ALL of 1-1 is due tomorrow with essential question and answer included. Election topic due Monday. Outline 1-2 due next Tuesday with the essential question. Online quiz for chapter 1 due Friday, 9/18/20.
6th-Review world map that was worked on today in class. Quiz on map and its content next week-continents/oceans/major mountain ranges.
8th-Chapter 1 read/highlight/answer end of chapter assessment due tomorrow. Please share on Google Docs and print a hard copy for your binder and bring to class. Test next week.
7th-Chapter 1 read/highlight/answer end of chapter assessment due tomorrow. Please share on Google Docs and print a hard copy for your binder and bring to class. Chapter test next week.