8th-Chapter 12 test MOVED TO THURSDAY. Election topic #4: taxes due on Monday. ALL outlines due Wednesday. US Citizenship quiz on Friday, 10/16/20.
7th-Chapter 1 test moved to Thursday. Election topic #4 TAXES due Monday.
6th-GH 14 RIGHT terms due tomorrow. Election topic #4: TAXES due Monday. Study ALL GH14 terms for quiz next week.
8th-Chapter 3 faith words/person/Big Q & A due Thursday. Read/highlight/answer end of chapter assessment questions due Friday. Essay 9-10 must be a min. of 5 good sentences that answer the question specifically.
7th-Chapter 3 test Friday. Chapter 4 faith words/person/Big Q & A due Tuesday. Rest of chapter due Thursday.
8th-Raymond Run story comprehension quiz next week.
PICTURE DAY tomorrow. Student must have the envelope for pictures with them when picture is taken. Students are to wear their regular uniform-NO GYM UNIFORM
St. Therese Walk-a-Thon on Thursday.
PIZZA FRIDAY $3 for two slices-exact cash please.