8th-Online quiz for chapter 12 due tomorrow. Election topic #2-the economy-due Monday-hard copy to class. Chapter 12-1 & 12-2 quiz on Tuesday. Outline 12-3 due Wednesday.
7th-Chapter 1 online quiz due tomorrow. Election topic #2-the economy- due Monday with a hard copy to class. Quiz Tuesday on 1-1 & 1-2. Outline 1-3 due Wednesday.
6th-Define the bold faced terms on pages GH 6,8, & 9. Bring in hard copy for binder. Quiz on all the terms GH 4-9 (not page 7) on Tuesday.
8th-Chapter 2 faith words/person/Big Q & A due tomorrow. Read/highlight/answer end of chapter assessment questions for Monday. Bring in a hard copy to class Monday. Please follow the format we established for chapter 1-Write the date, chapter # and title. Define all faith words (skip a line between terms) For the Big Q & A wrote out the question and your answer should be a minimum of 5 sentences. For the Person/Partner in faith write their name and give 5 facts, can be in bullet style. Highlight with a highlighter, all short response answers may be put in the written in the book. The 9-10 essay is to by typed -a minimum of 5 sentences-an a hard copy is to be brought in on Monday
7th-Complete the work for chapter 2-read/highlight/answer end of chapter assessment due tomorrow. Please bring in a hard copy of the entire chapter to class tomorrow.
8th-Please reread our current story "A Retrieved Reformation" several times before our assessment on Wednesday.
Friday pizza is available tomorrow. Please send in $3 cash (exact amount please) per 2 slices.