8th-Outline 12-4 due tomorrow with the 5 sentences essential question, please bring a hard copy to class. Election issue #3-infrastructure- due Monday. Possible Chapter 12 test Tuesday or Wednesday.
7th-Election issue #3 infrastructure due Monday, hard copy brought to class. Review for Chapter 1 test next week.
6th-Election issue #3 infrastructure due Monday. Review terms of GH14 Left.
8th-Religion test Tuesday.
7th-Chapter 3 read/highlight/answer end of chapter assessment, including the 9-10 essay which should be a minimum of 5 sentences. Religion test next Friday, 10/3/20
8th-New story-Raymond's Run. We will start our discussion on Monday together in class.
Pizza day tomorrow $3 for two slices. Exact amount please.
Tag Day tomorrow. Wear GOLD