8th-Review for chapter 21 test next week, use study guide given to help you prepare.
7th-Finish notes for the Constitution Handbook section on Rights & Citizen Participation. Make a printed copy of all three sections of the Constitution Handbook notes-The Constitution, The Federal Government, and Rights and Citizen Participation for tomorrow's (Thursday) class. Review for quiz of this material next week.
6th-Review for 9-1 quiz next week. Online quiz for chapter 9 due Friday, 4/23.
8th-Review for chapter 16 test next week.
7th-Review for chapter 16 test Friday, 4/23. REMEMBER to bring in your two First Holy Communion items by this FRIDAY, 4/23.
8th-You should be reading your Holocaust book. You will be giving a five minute oral presentation on Monday, 5/3/21. You will NOT be reading from a report, but you may have notes to glance at.
EARTH DAY tomorrow-Tag Day-Donations will be sent to The American Forest Foundation