8th-Review for chapter 21 test next week.
7th-Outline Constitution Handbook section: The Federal Government (pages 219-221) due tomorrow, Wednesday, 4/21. Outline Rights and Citizen Participation (pages 222-223) for Thursday. Make a copy for your binder for all the Constitution Handbook pages by Thursday, 4/22/23. Map quiz on Tuesday, 4/27/21: You will identify each state with its two letter abbreviation and write all the states names in alphabetical order-spelled correctly.
6th-Make a copy of all outlines for your binder for tomorrow. Write out all terms from chapter 8 due tomorrow.
8th-Review for chapter 16 test.
7th-Review for chapter 16 test.
8th-Poems-make any changes to your poem and provide me with a new copy tomorrow before I grade them.
Tag Day Thursday to observe Earth Day donations welcomed