8th-Review for chapter 21 test next week.
7th-Review for Constitution Handbook quiz next week. Map Quiz on Tuesday, 4/27. You will be asked to identify the states using their two letter abbreviation. You will also list all states in alphabetical order and spelt correctly. Please practice.
6th-Review for 9-1 quiz next week. Online quiz for chapter 9 is due tomorrow, 4/23.
8th-Review for chapter 16 test next week. Moving to chapter 17 next.
7th-Review for chapter 16 test tomorrow. FINAL SHARING/SHOWING OF YOUR FIRST COMMUNION ITEMS TOMORROW. Chapter 17 faith words/person/Big Q & A due Monday. Read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions AND a paper copy for your binder due Wednesday.
8th-Introducing our new poems: "Concrete Mixers," "The City Is So Big," and "Harlem Night Song." Story comprehension quiz will be AFTER the Holocaust oral presentations, which will be on Monday, 5/3.