8th-Review for 19-1 & 19-2 quiz on Friday, 2/10. Outline 19-3 due 2/13. Outline 19-4 due 2/15. Work on your forty question study guide.
7th-Review for 6-1 & 6-2 quiz. Work on your study guide questions.
6th-Outline 4-4 due Thursday, 2/9. Work on your study guide for the chapter test next week.
7th-Chapter 10 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/PRINT due tomorrow, 2/8. Review for test. Work on your contest essay due 2/28.
NWEA testing for the Junior High will be tomorrow (2/8) and Thursday, (2/9). Please get a good night's rest and eat a nutritious breakfast. CHARGE YOUR CHROMEBOOK to prevent any hitches when taking the test.
PIZZA orders due by Thursday, 2/9.
Report Card Receipt card due back by Thursday, 2/9.