Welcome to a new week.
8th-Finish your Black History project if you did not complete in class. Be ready to present/cast tomorrow, 2/7, in class. Please make two copies. Review 19-1 & 19-2 for quiz later this week. Work on your study guide questions.
7th-Outline 6-2 due tomorrow, 2/7. Please work on your study guide questions as you complete each section.
6th-Outline 4-4 due Thursday, 2/9.
7th-Chapter 10 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/PRINT due Wednesday, 2/8. Work on your contest essay, which is due Tuesday, 2/28. Follow the instructions given today in class. If you have any questions please see me immediately.
NWEA testing is this week. The Junior High will be taking their test on Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure your Chrome book is fully charged and you have a good nutritious breakfast.