8th-Review for final exam using all test as guide.
7th-Outline 10-3 due Wednesday, 5/18. Outline 10-3 due Friday, 5/20.
6th-Outline 9-3 due Wednesday, 5/18.
8th-Chapter18 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/copy for binder due tomorrow, 5/17.
7th-Review for chapter 18 test later this week.
8th-Story comprehension quiz on The Ninny and The Governess on Thursday, 5/19.
Baby Shower for Birth Haven - 7th & 8th are sponsoring this event that runs until the red of the month. Thank you to those who already sent in baby items. Please see the flyer that was sent home two weeks ago and is on the Parent Page for more information.
FIELD DAY t-shirts are due in on Thursday, 5/19.