Happy Friday, the 13th!
8th-Start your review for the final exam. Use old tests as your guide.
7th-Outlines 10-1 due Monday, 5/16. Outline 10-2 due Wednesday, 5/18. Outline 10-3 due Friday, 5/20. Online quiz due Wednesday, 5/18 by 8:00 am.
6th-Review for 9-1 & 9-2 quiz Monday, 5/16. Outline 9-3 due Wednesday, 5/18. Use study guide provided for quiz and also work on chapter study guide. Test will be later next week.
8th-Chapter 18 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/copy for binder due Tuesday, 5/17. Chapter test should be later next week. Final exam review material has been distributed. Please start/continue reviewing.
7th-Chapter 18 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/copy for binder due Monday, 5/16. Chapter 18 test late next week.
Baby Shower for Birth Haven: This event is being sponsored by the 7th & 8th graders to help the young women and their babies who are in need. Please see the flyer that was sent home last week and the notice placed on the Parent Page for more details. We are accepting donation during the entire month of May. Thank you for your generosity.