8th-Review for chapter 15 test Friday. Chapter 16 assigned outline due Tuesday, 12/8.
7th-Write the definitions for the terms at the start of 3-3 for tomorrow and the terms on 3-4 for Thursday.
6th-Write and print out your assigned outline for 2-2 due tomorrow. Write out the terms and their definitions for 2-2 due Thursday. Quiz on 2-1 & 2-2 Monday.
8th-Chapter 7 review for chapter test next week.
7th-Review for chapter 8 test tomorrow. We will move to chapter 9 faith words/person/Big Q & A due Thursday and Read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions due Friday, with a full print out of chapter 9 work..
8th-Christmas story for Kinder Buddy is due Monday. This is the final version with all the beautiful pictures and it is assembled nicely. Our current stories are: The Drummer Boy from Shiloh and The Finish of Patsy Barnes. Comprehension quiz next week.