8th-Outline 20-3 due Friday. Test will be after IOWA week.7th-Outline 8-2 due Friday.
6th-Review for chapter test tomorrow. Outline 5-1 due Monday, March 11, 2019. Outline 5-2 due Wednesday, 3/13/19.
8th-All of chapter 11 should be finished by Friday, 3/1/19.7th-All of chapter 12 should be finished by Friday, 3/1/19.
8th-Poetry comprehension quiz tomorrow on Thumbprint, The Drum, and Ring Out, Wild Bell.To Kill a Mockingbird quiz #2 will cover chapters 6 to end of Part I. Quiz will be on Wednesday, 3/13,19.
Pizza order for March is now due.Class trip permission slips were sent home yesterday. Please return with payment by 3/22/19.