Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


8th-Quiz tomorrow on 20-1 & 20-2.  Outline 20-3 due Friday.
7th-Outline 8-1 due tomorrow.  Outline 8-2 due Friday.
6th-Chapter 4 test on Thursday.  Outline 5-1 due Monday 3/11/19.  Outline 5-2 due Wednesday, 3/13/19.


8th-Chapter 11 faith words/person/Big Q & A due tomorrow.  Rest of chapter due Friday.
7th-Chapter 12 faith words/person/Big Q & A due tomorrow.  Rest of chapter due Friday.


8th-Comprehension quiz on the three poems being discussed this week, Thumbprint, The Drum, and Ring Out , Wild Bells.  To Kill a Mockingbird quiz #2 will be on 3/13 for chapters 6-13.


Class trip permission slip and information was sent home today.  Please check with your child to make sure you get it.
March pizza order is now due.

Monday, March 10, 2025

 SOCIAL STUDIES: 8th -Review outlines 12-5 and 12-6 for quiz Friday, 3/14.  Outline 12-9 due Monday, 3/17. 7th- Review 5-8 for quiz Thursd...