8th-Answers to study guide due tomorrow, 4/18. Chapter test on Friday, 4/19. Outline 21-1 due Monday, 4/22. Outline 21-2 due Wednesday, 4/24.
7th-Review 5.07 for quiz.
6th-Review 8.07 for quiz on Friday, 4/19.
8th-Chapter 15 test Monday, 4/22.
7th-Review chapter 16 for test. Bring in two items from your First Holy Communion.
6th-Chapter 18 faith words/person due tomorrow, 4/18. Read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/PRINT due Monday, 4/22.
Green REPORT CARD signature card by Friday, 4/19.
CLASS TRIP CHAPERONES- Please see the note that was sent home today. It is very important that you get that information back to me as quickly as possible.