Monday, February 5, 2024

Tuesday, February 6, 2024


8th-Outline 17-1 due tomorrow, 2/7.  Outline 17-2 due Friday, 2/9.  Review material for quiz next week.  Please return permission slip for the movie "Lincoln" by Monday, 2/12.

7th-Review outline 4.07 and 4.08 which are already completed.

6th-Outline 5.08 due Thursday, 2/8.


8th-Review for chapter 10 test.  Date to be determined after the NWEA testing.

7th-Review for chapter 11 test.  Date to be determined after the NWEA testing.

6th-Review for chapter 11 test.  Date to be determined after the NWEA testing.


NWEA testing will be tomorrow and Thursday for the Junior High students, during the first two periods of the day. Please report to school on time so we can start the testing immediately after morning assembly.  Please have a good protein packed breakfast as snack will take place after the testing for all the students. MAKE SURE YOUR CHROMEBOOK IS FULLY CHARGED.

Tissues-We are running short of tissues.  If anyone in 6th-8th could spare a box I would appreciate it.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

 SOCIAL STUDIES: 8th- Outline 12-8 due Monday, 3/10.   Outline 12-9 due Wednesday, 3/12. 7th- Review 5-8 for a quiz next week.  We will hav...