"A day that will live in infamy"
8th-Outline 15-4 due Monday, 12/11. Forty (40) question study guide due Tuesday, 12/12. Answers due on Wednesday, 12/13. Chapter test on Thursday, 12/14. Moving to chapter 16 next.
7th-Review outline 4:03. Outline 4:05 due Friday, 12/8. Outline 4:06 due Tuesday, 12/12.
6th-Outline 3:06 due Monday, 12/11.
8th-Chapter 7 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/PRINT due Friday, 12/8. Review for chapter 7 test. Q2 Ten Commandment quiz may be taken anytime during a study hall period before Christmas.
7th-Chapter 8 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/PRINT due Monday, 12/11.
6th-Review chapter 9 for test next week.
Please bring in 1 Christmas ornament for our class tree, which will be sent home on the last day of school before the Christmas break.
Tomorrow, 12/8 is a HALF DAY with NO ASC.
Extended Christmas Holiday. There is NO school on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. School will REOPEN on Wednesday, 1/3/24.