8th-Chapter 16 test on Monday, 12/19. Outline 17-1 due Wednesday, 12/21. Outline 17-2 due Friday, 12/23. Work on your 10 study guide questions as you outline each section.
7th-Review for chapter 4 test Monday, 12/19. Outline 5-1 due Wednesday, 12/21. Outline 5-2 due Friday, 12/23. Work on your 10 study guide questions when you outline each section.
6th-Review for chapter 2 test A for Monday, 12/19. Test B on Tuesday, 12/20. Use the study guide provided. Chapter 4-1 outline due Thursday, 12/22.
7th-Chapter 8 faith words/person/Big Q & A due Tuesday, 12/20. Read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/PRINTED copy due Thursday, 12/22.
March for Life Permission slip due ASAP so we can plan according to numbers.
Secret Advent Friend gift due Wednesday, 12/21, wrapped and the label to read "From (your child's name)"