8th-Finish answering the study guide questions, due tomorrow, 10/14. Chapter 13 test Monday, 10/17. Outline 14-1 due Wednesday, 10/19. Outline 14-2 due Friday, 10/21. Citizenship quiz on Monday, 10/24.
7th-Outline 2-3 due Monday, 10/17. Work on your study guide questions. Outline 2-4 due Wednesday, 10/19. Work on your study guide questions. Forty (40) questions study guide due Friday, 10/21.
6th-Review outlining completed in class today and outline ; Who Were the Hunter-Gathers, which is due tomorrow, 10/14.
7th-Review for chapter 3 test on Tuesday, 10/18. Chapter 4 faith words/person/Big Q & A due Thursday, 10/20. Chapter 4 -read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/printed copy due Monday, 10/25.
MEATBALL MADNESS reservations due tomorrow, 10/14. Please support this delicious fun/fundraiser for Project Graduation.