8th-Review for 12-1 & 12-2 quiz . Continue to work on your 12-1 student study guide. Keep it on the Google Docs until called for. Then you will print it.
7th-Review 1-1 for quiz that will be given after we complete 1-2 outline. Date to be determined later.
6th-Tomorrow (9/8) you will list the seven continents, four oceans, and six major mountain ranges that we have been discussing in class. On Friday, (9/9) you will be given a blank world map, exactly like the one we have been practicing, and you will identify and name of continents, oceans, and mountain ranges. You will also color/shade the continents different colors using your colored pencils, just as we have been doing in class.
8th-Rosary beads due Thursday, 9/29.
7th-Chapter 1-finish writing your response to the "Big Question" found at the start of the chapter. A minimum of 5 sentences. Also read the "Partner in Faith" section and then write 5 "bullet style" notes for that person, just as we discussed in class today. DO NOT PRINT IT YET.
ALL pizza orders must be in by tomorrow, Thursday, 9/8. $2 per slice-exact cash only. The school will place our order on Thursday afternoon. NO ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED ON FRIDAY.
Jr. High Dance RSVP due by Friday, 9/16. Dance is on Friday, 9/23.
Ninja Warrior Challenge RSVP due this coming Monday, 9/12. Event will be on Sunday, 9/18