8th-Review for chapter 12 test next week.
7th-Review for 1-1 & 1-2 quiz Monday, 9/19. Outline 1-3 due Tuesday, 9/20 Student prepared study guide for chapter 1, 10 questions per section-30 total, due Wednesday, 9/21.
6th-Write the definitions for the following terms: map key, scale bar, cardinal directions, compass rose, general purpose map, physical map, and political map. Draw or computer generate the compass rose. Print PRINT all definitions from the Geography Handbook. All due tomorrow, 9/15. PRINTED and in your binder.
8th-Rosary Beads due Thursday, 9/29
7th-Review for chapter 1 test. Rosary Beads due Friday, 9/30
PIZZA ORDER due tomorrow, Thursday!5, $2 per slice. NO orders will be taken Friday.
Jr. High Dance RSVP due by this Friday, 9/16.