Final Day Tomorrow!!!
Dear Parents,
The report card was sent home today with your child(ren.) Please check their backpack/school bag for it.
Tomorrow ALL CHROME BOOKS and CHARGERS will be collected. Please bring in a plastic bag (supermarket style) with your name printed on it so we can place your Chrome book and charger in and move to the next homeroom.
I also want to thank all the parents and especially our Room Parents, Mrs. Hugues and Mrs. Kaelin, for the beautiful reception that you gave our 8th grade graduates. Next year will be your turn! A special thank you to the "clean-up/ close down committee. I had to leave early due to an unexpected family situation and the group did an awesome job closing up shop and organizing. When I arrived back on Monday, I thought I may be sorting through items, but everything was done. Thank you.
If I don't see you tomorrow, I wish you a wonderful and relaxing summer. Your child's 8th grade year is going to race by. So rest up.
Again, thank you for all your support and help throughout the year.
God Bless,
Mrs. Gargin