8th-Outline 17-4 due tomorrow, 1/28. Chapter 17 test next week. President Report due 2/10.
7th-Review for 6-1 & 6-2 quiz Monday, 1/31. Outline 6-4 due tomorrow, 1/28.
6th-Review 4-1 & 4-2 for quiz next week. Use study guide for your review.
8th-Chapter 10 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/copy for binder due tomorrow, 1/28. Chapter test next week.
7th-Chapter 10 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/copy for the binder due tomorrow, 128.
8th-To Kill a Mockingbird comprehension quiz on chapters 1-5 on Monday, 2/7.
Please see FRIDAY FOLDER and PARENT SQUARE for important information pertaining to Catholic Schools Week, Registration, and other papers.
PROTECTING GOD'S CHILDREN-An important notice was sent home today concerning our Protecting God's Children lessons. This is an OPT-OUT form that must be returned by next Friday, 2/4 if you wish your child not to be part of the class discussion. ONLY those opting-out need to return the form.