8th-14-1 & 14-2 quiz tomorrow. Online quiz for chapter 14 due tomorrow by 8:00 am. Outline 14-3 due Tuesday, 11/2. Chapter 14 test next Thursday, 11/4.
7th-Outline 3-3 due tomorrow. Outline 3-4 due Tuesday. Chapter 3 test Friday, 11/5.
6th-Review outline completed in class.
8th-Chapter 5 faith words/person/Big Q & A due Tuesday. Read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions due next Wednesday, 11/3 with a paper copy for your binder.
7th-Chapter 5 faith words/person/Big Q & A due Tuesday. Read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions due Wednesday, 11/3 with a paper copy for your binder.
Halloween celebration tomorrow. Students may wear all or part of their costume, as long as they can sit and function during classes. NO Halloween mask may be worn. NO weapons - real or fake-of any sort are permitted on school premises. Weather permitting the parade will be at 1:30 outside.