8th-Review chapter 20 outlines. Online quiz due tomorrow.
7th-Review chapter 7 outlines. Online quiz for chapter 7 due tomorrow.
6th-Assigned outline for chapter 8 due tomorrow.
8th-Chapter 14 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions with a paper copy of all the chapter's work due in class tomorrow.
7th-Chapter 15 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions with a paper copy of all the chapter's work due in class tomorrow.
8th-To Kill a Mockingbird-final quiz (#4) on Monday, 3/22 for chapters 26 to the end. Holocaust oral presentation will be on Monday, 5/3/21 on a NONFICTION book concerning the Holocaust. I must approve book before you start.
CRAZY SOCK DAY to benefit Children with Down Syndrome. Please consider donating to this cause. Students are to wear their regular uniform with the socks.
PIZZA FRIDAY-$3 for 2 slices
ANTHONY FRANCOS Pizza Friday- Please see the FRIDAY FOLDER for details.