8th-Chapter 19 assigned outline due tomorrow. Extra credit also due tomorrow- All paper copies. Online quiz due Friday, 2/26 by 7:50 am.
7th-Chapter 6 assigned outline due tomorrow as a paper copy. Extra credit due tomorrow, also in a paper copy. Online quiz due Friday, 2/26 by 7:50 am
6th-Review for chapter 4 test.
8th-Review for chapter 11 test tomorrow. Chapter 12 faith words/person/Big Q & A due Friday. Read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions due Tuesday, as a paper copy for your binder.
7th-Chapter 13 faith words/person/Big Q & A due Friday. Rest of chapter due Monday as a paper copy for your binder.
8th-To Kill a Mockingbird #2 quiz chapters 6-11 on Monday, 2/22/21.
CHROME BOOKS are to be fully charged each morning.
IF we need to be REMOTE on Thursday and/or Friday, we will start with an "A" day and the following day will be a "B" day. PLEASE share all homework documents (OUTLINES)with me by 7:50 AM . Once I check them all in and will tell you when to share with the class, either in class or on Google Classroom. BUT YOU MUST WAIT FOR ME TO DO SO.