Happy Tuesday-Remote LearningDay
8th-Review outlines 17-3 & 17-4. Review for Chapter test.
7th-Review for chapter 5 test.
6th-Work on word bank given for chapter 4 test.
8th-ALL work should be completed for chapter11 and printed out for your binder tomorrow.
7th-ALL work should be completed for chapter 12 and printed out for your binder tomorrow.
8th-To Kill a Mockingbird #2 quiz on Monday, February 22 for chapters 6-11.
Catholic SchoolsWeek Activities:
Wednesday-N.U.T. Day-suggested tie-dyed for Melanie Walsh. Donation of food for Roxbury Food Services.
Thursday-Red, White, & Blue Day Donations for Wounded Warriors
Friday- Valentine Tag Day $1 for ProJect Graduation
PIZZA FRIDAY-$3 for 2 slices