Good Morning. We are having a remote/virtual learning day. We will be an "A" DAY.
8th-Tomorrow please present all 4 outlines printed in your binder. Review all, especially those that you did not complete yourself.
7th-Please review all the material covered in the outline you completed.
6th-Complete the vocabulary for chapter 5 for Wednesday and your assigned outline for Thursday.
8th-Chapter 12 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions due tomorrow, with a paper copy for your binder due in class tomorrow.
7th-All of chapter 13 should be completed. Tomorrow, please have your paper copy printed and in your binder for tomorrow's class.
8th-To Kill a Mockingbird quiz #2 has been moved to tomorrow.
Art-an assignment has been posted.
St. Jude Math-a-thon Please consider participating in this very important and life saving cause.