8th-Review for chapter 13 test tomorrow. ALL outlines (assigned and/or extra credit) due Monday with a hard paper copy in hand. No exceptions.
7th-Review outline 2-2 & 2-4. Chapter 2 test next week.
6th-Finish #3 of the outline on page 15. Answer questions 1, 2, 4, 5, & 6 on page 15. Answers are to be typed right under the outline. ALL of 1-1 should be printed after completion of this assignment and put into your binder.
8th-Chapter 5 read/highlight/answer end of chapter assessment questions (#9-10 min. of 5 sentences) due tomorrow with a paper copy in your binder.
7th-Chapter 6 read/highlight/answer end of chapter assessment questions (#9-10 min. of 5 sentences) due tomorrow with a paper copy in your binder.
8th-Travels with Charley-our current story, reread several times before our story comprehension assessment on Wednesday.
Pizza Friday $3 for two slices-exact cash please. Thank you.
HALLOWEEN Observance- Tomorrow students may wear their Halloween costume to school, (as long as they can sit and work and it not be a distraction.) The students will continue to wear their Covid mask while in school. No type of weapon may be brought into school, even if it is a part of the costume. Save that for Saturday trick or treating. We will be watching a movie in 7th grade. Students may bring an extra snack (no candy please) to eat during the movie.