Good Morning,
Happy Wednesday! Hoping you all were able to get outside in the great weather yesterday. Hopefully, we will get more weather like that more often. Stay strong!Today is a "B" day.
8th-Chapter 23 test tomorrow. Read ONLY chapter 24. Outline 25-1 due Monday. Outline 25-2 due next Wednesday. Please share your outlines when completed with me by 8:30 the day it is due.7th-Chapter 9 test tomorrow. Outline 10-1 due Monday. Outline 10-2 due Wednesday. Please share your outlines with me when completed by 8:30 on due dates.
6th-Review for chapter 8 test Monday. Outline 9-1 due next Wednesday.
8th-Continue to review chapter 14. We meet today at 9:35.7th-Continue to review chapter 14. We meet today at 8:30.