Good Morning,
Today is an "A" day. I will be seeing you all for Social Studies today.8:30 7th Graders- code: 7thsocialstudies
9:35 8th Graders- code: MrsGargin8
10:35 6th Graders code- 6thsocialstudiers
8th-Review for quiz 23-3 & 23-4 on Friday. Chapter test next week.7th-Review for chapter 9 test Tuesday.
6th-Review for quiz 8-2 on Friday.
8th-Chapter 13 test Monday.7th-Chapter 13 test Monday.
********Please keep current on Deacon Bruce's assignment and it's due date. It is a graded assignment. If you have questions please contact him directly, so as to receive the fullest amount of credit.********
8th-Story comprehension quiz tomorrow on the three poems read and discussed in class.BLOGS:
Please check all of your teachers' blogs, including the special, for their assignments. I believe you have a new Art assignment due tomorrow.