Good Morning and Welcome Back,
I hope all of you had a blessed Easter and were able to share with your immediate families the joy of the risen Lord.
We will get back to our new "regular" schedule. Today is an "A" day and I will be meeting all classes for Social Studies.
8th-We will start with 23-3 today and move to 23-4 later in the week. Review for 23-3 & 23-4 quiz next week. Code: MrsGargin8 Meeting at 9:35.7th-We will begin 9-3 today and 9-4 later in the week. Outline 9-4 due Wednesday BEFORE class. Please share it with my on Google docs just as before. This is the first homework assignment of Q4. Review for chapter 9 test next week. Code: 7th socialstudies Meeting at 8:30.
6th-We will review 8-2 for quiz Friday. Code: 6thsocialstudies, Meeting at 10:35.
8th-All of chapter 13 is completed and we will continue our review and discussion of material this week. Review for Chapter 13 test.7th-All of chapter 13 is completed and we will continue our review and discussion of material this week. Review for Chapter 13 test.
******** Be keep up with your work for Deacon Bruce.*******