Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Good Morning Everyone,
Keep up the good work!


8th-Outline 23-2 due today.  1st video summary due Friday.  Please give the source.
7th-Outline 9-1 due today.  1st video summary due Friday.  Please give the source.
6th-Outline 8-2 due today.  1st video summary due Friday.  Please give the source.

EVERYONE:  Please double check that you are completing the correct chapters' outlines.


8th-Chapter 13 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions due tomorrow.  Review for March prayer quiz which will be given upon our return to school.
7th-Chapter 13 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions due tomorrow.  Review for March prayer quiz which will be given upon our return to school.

****Keep current on Deacon Bruce's assignments.****


8th-Complete your reading of the final chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird.  Final quiz will be given upon our return to school.

ATTENTION 7th GRADERS:  You MUST check in with me daily between 8-12 as PRESENT so I can complete the attendance record.  If you do not check in between 8-12 you will be marked absent.

January 6, 2025 to Friday, January 10, 2025

 Happy New Year and Welcome to 2025!!! SOCIAL STUDIES and RELIGION: All classes will be reviewing for their exam scheduled for next week.  S...