8th-Chapter 26 test is on Tuesday. Please read several times. Exam material was distributed today. After Tuesday's test you should be reviewing daily.7th-11-1 & 11-2 quiz tomorrow. Outline 11-3 due Monday. Chapter test is next Wednesday or Thursday.
6th-11-1 & 11-2 quiz tomorrow. Outline 11-3 due Monday. Chapter test will be next Wednesday or Thursday.
8th-All of chapter 16 should be completed. Test will be next week.7th-Chapter 18 faith words/person/Big Q & A due Monday, 5/20. Rest of chapter will be due Tuesday, 5/21.
8th-Story comprehension quizzes on "Wave" and "Coyote" tomorrow.
Baby Shower for Birth Haven new baby items being accepted until 5/31,.Class trip permission slip must be returned by tomorrow.