8th-Chapter 26-READ ONLY-by Tuesday, 5/14. State/map quiz on Wednesday. Online quiz is due Wednesday, 5/15/19. Chapter test is Monday, 5/20/19.7th-Outline 11-2 due Monday. Online quiz due Wednesday. 11-1 & 11-2 quiz on Wednesday or Thursday.
6th-Outline 11-1 was due today. Outline 11-2 is due Monday. Online quiz due Wednesday. Review for quiz Thursday on 11-1 & 11-2. Outline 11-3 due Monday, 5/20/19.
8th-All of chapter 16 should be completed by Monday. Ten Commandment quiz on Wednesday, 5/15.7th-Review for chapter 17 test Tuesday. Ten Commandment quiz on Wednesday.
8th-Oral Holocaust Remembrance presentation on Monday, 5/13/19. Your book must be in class at time of presentation. You may have notes to glance at during presentation. You WILL NOT be reading your notes.NOTES:
Spring Concert is tonight at 7:00. Band members should be in gym by 6:30. All other students should report to their classrooms at 6:45.Baby Shower for Birth Haven baby items being accepted now until 5/31. Thank you to all who sent in such cute outfits!
Teachers' Appreciation Week- I just want to thank both the class and their parents for the wonderful week. The breakfast Monday morning was a great and delicious way to start my week. The notes, cards, treats, and flowers that were presented to me over the week were/are greatly appreciated. I will not be doing my weigh - in tomorrow morning. Thank you!