Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


8th-Read only chapter 18 for tomorrow.  Read only chapter 19 for Friday.  Chapters 18 & 19 online quizzes due by Monday, 2/18/19.
7th-Chapter 7 test moved to Friday, 2/15.  Write the first 10 amendment-Bill of Rights in your notebook by Wednesday.  We will have a quiz on these later.
6th-Review for 4-1 & 4-2 quiz on Friday.  Outline 4-3 due on Wednesday, 2/20.  Outline 4-4 due Friday, 2/22.


8th-ALL of chapter 10 should be completed, test will be next week.
7th-ALL of chapter 11 should be completed, test will be next week.


8th-Poetry comprehension quiz tomorrow on The Concrete Mixer, Harlem Night Song, and City is So Big.  To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 1-5 comprehension quiz is next Wednesday, 2/20.


7th Grade Retreat has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 11, 2019.  I am holding the permission slips to use on that date.  If you would prefer NOT TO HAVE YOUR CHILD ATTEND, please send in a note expressing that.

Tag Day this Friday: Crazy hair, hat, sock day, St. Valentine's Day theme. $1 donation.

Monday, March 10, 2025

 SOCIAL STUDIES: 8th -Review outlines 12-5 and 12-6 for quiz Friday, 3/14.  Outline 12-9 due Monday, 3/17. 7th- Review 5-8 for quiz Thursd...