Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Please keep in your prayers all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 and their families, as well as those who suffer medical effects/issues because of the terrorist attacks that day.

Note from Ms. Hopkins-Art Teacher

Supplies:  The Art Supplies List/Bin was omitted from this year's "School Supply List."  Our students will now come to Art Class and be provided all Supplies!  In that respect, we are asking each family to send in $10.00 (per each child in your family), so that the Art Department can maintain these supplies for personal and collaborative works.  Please remit this by cash or, if by check, made out to "St. Therese School" noting "ART" in the memo field.  Enclose in an envelope marked: ART PROGRAM / Ms. HOPKINS.  Please remit by 9/14/18.  THANK YOU!

Please check out Ms. Hopkins Blog for more information about the Art Program this year.


8th-Review outlines 12-1 & 12-2 for quiz, date to be determined.

7th-Review outlines 1-1 & 1-2 for quiz Thursday.  Outline 1-3 due Friday.


8th-Review chapter 1 for test, date to be determined.

7th-Review chapter 1 for test Friday.


8th-Story comprehension quiz on Monday for "The Baker Heater League" and "The 11:59" on Monday.


Tag Day Friday-$1 Blue theme for anti-bullying.

Ice Cream Social Friday night.  Please see Friday Folder for details.

January 6, 2025 to Friday, January 10, 2025

 Happy New Year and Welcome to 2025!!! SOCIAL STUDIES and RELIGION: All classes will be reviewing for their exam scheduled for next week.  S...