Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday, August 30, 2024

 Happy Friday and Happy Labor Day Weekend!!

I've had a great start with my Junior High students and look forward to more of the same for the rest of the year.

All students should be covering their hard covered SOCIAL STUDIES book with brown paper and ALL their soft covered books with contact paper by Friday, 9/6.


8th-Outline 8-2 due Wednesday, 9/4.  Outline 8-3 due Friday, 9/6.  US Citizenship quiz on Monday, 10/7.

7th-Finish working on the first page of our Chapter/topic 1 & 2 worksheet up to de Balboa.

6th-Review world map for quiz next week.


8th-Chapter 1 read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/PRINT due Thursday, 9/5.

7th-Chapter 1 faith words/person/Big Q & A due Tuesday, 9/3.  Read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/PRINT due Thursday, 9/5.

6th-Read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions /PRINT due Thursday, 9/5.


Back -to -School Night is next Thursday, 9/5

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Thursday, August 29, 2024


8th-Outline Topic/Chapter 8-2 Due Wednesday, 9/4.  Outline 8-3 due Friday, 9/6.-Citizenship Quiz on Monday, 10/7.

7th-Use the worksheet provided to define the Early Civilizations, due tomorrow, 8/30.

6th-Review world map distributed today.  We will have a quiz on it next week.


8th-Chapter 1: faith words/person/Big Q & A due tomorrow, 8/30.  Read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions due Thursday, 9/5.

7th-Chapter 1: faith words/person/Big Q & A due Tuesday, 9/3.  Read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions/print due Thursday, 9/4.  Personal Rosary Beads (NO KITS) due Friday, 9/27.

6th-Chapter 1: faith words/person due tomorrow, 8/30.


Books should be covered as directed-hard cover in brown paper, soft covers with contact paper by next Friday, 9/6.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

 Welcome Back!!!

It's nice to see many of my old friends and welcome the new families that have joined us.  We are going to have a GREAT year and I look forward to being with each of you.

This is the site where you will find all of my (Mrs. Gargin's assignments).  Some of my assignments will be due the following day and others may be given several days notice.  You will need to go to your other teachers' blogs to see what they are assigning for homework.

Seventh Grade Parents, Please see the note that was sent home today requesting help as Room Parents for the 7th grade.


6th, 7th, and 8th

We have new hard covered books.  Each book is to be covered in BROWN PAPERBook socks are not allowed as they destroy the binder of the books.  These books are to be covered by Friday, 9/6/24.


6th, 7th, and 8th 

ALL soft covered books MUST be covered in  CONTACT PAPER by next Friday, 9/6/24.

CHROME BOOKS- Please charge your Chromebook tonight and all/most nights.  Students were given a new password to get into their old Chromebook.

Friday, September 20, 2024

 HAPPY  FRIDAY!! SOCIAL STUDIES: 8th- Outline 8-8 due Monday, 9/23.  Quiz on 8-8 on Wednesday, 9/25.   Outline 9-2 due Friday, 9/27. 7th- Q...