Dear 7th Grade Parents,
Thank you for all the help last night with the 8th grade graduation reception. It was beautiful and the 8th graders and their parents were very grateful.
Thank you for your year end gifts. I will enjoy the gift cards at my favorite shops.
As you may have heard I will not be in next week, as my daughter is getting married next Saturday and I have a zillion small things to handle. Mrs. Joyce will be covering for me.
I sent home a permission slip to view the movie HAMILTON. Please return that on Monday.
ALL chrome books and chargers will be collected on the last day. Please make sure it is in a bag with your child's name on it. We are doing an inventory over the summer. Students will be asked to bring in a plastic bag to place their hard covered books in their locker next week. Just a Shop Rite bag will be fine.
Thank you again for all your support throughout the year. I wish you a relaxing summer before you return as 8th grade Parents.
Take care, stay well, and God Bless,
Mrs. Gargin