8th-Outline 21-3 due Tuesday, March 10, 2020. Chapter test will be later that week. You have all the review material already.7th-Bill of Rights quiz the week of March 9th.
6th-Quiz on 5-1 & 5-2 on Tuesday, March 10th. Outline 5-3 due Wednesday, March 11th, outline 5-3 due Friday, March 13th.
8th-Chapter 11 test will be the week of March 9th. Study review notes given.7th-Chapter 11 test will be the week of March 9th. Study review notes given.
8th-To Kill a Mockingbird Quiz #3 will be on Thursday, 3/12/20, chapters 12-25.NOTES:
IOWA testing is next week. Please have 3 sharpened #2 pencils everyday with a good eraser(s).Gertrude Hawk Candy drive is extended to Monday, 3/2/20.