8th-17-1 & 17-2 should be completed already.
7th-Chapter 6 test Monday. Outline 7-1 due due Wednesday and 7-2 due Friday. Chapter 7 online quiz will be due by Monday, February 4, 2019.
6th-Chapter 4 outline 4-1 should be completed. 4-2 due Wednesday. You may send in Chapter 4 online quiz by Monday, 2/4/19.
8th-Chapter 9 Faith words/person/Big Q & A should be finished by Monday. Read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions due by next Wednesday.
7th-Chapter 10 faith words/person/Big Q & A should be finished. Read/highlight/answer end of chapter questions due by Wednesday.
8th- Please get a copy of
To Kill a Mockingbird. We will start independently reading it shortly and taking assessments. We will discuss next week.
February pizza order is due tomorrow, 1/25/19 $12 for February.
Registration papers are due in the office ASAP. Thank you to those who already returned them.
Catholic Schools Week activities can be view on the Friday Folder.
Ring and Pin Duties:7th Grade Parents should have received a call or note from our room parents concerning our duties for the Ring and Pin Reception on Sunday morning. ALL families should have at least one parent present for set up, serving, and clean up. This is for parents only NO 7th graders please.